18 basic Yoga Poses For Beginners

While everyone seems to be on the topic of improvement in the new year, we understand that it can be hard to decide on what to improve because focusing on too many things at once can be overwhelming in this already tense environment when are living in.

Some coping measures people have been using during lockdown/level restrictions is practicing yoga.

It not only relaxes you but is also really great for your core and posture, another benefit of practicing yoga is the prevention of cartilage and joint breakage because when practicing yoga you take your joints through their full range of motion.

This helps in preventing illnesses like degenerative arthritis. It’s known to relax your system through slower breathing and helps you sleep better providing you with a deeper sleep, which we all might feel we need during the lockdown.

Yoga is also great for boosting your immune system functionality which aids in fighting germs and illness.

Caley Alyssa discusses 18 different basic yoga poses and postures in order to help your body with perfect alignment.

Mums will you be trying some of these moves and incorporating yoga into your weekly routine? Or do you already practice yoga?

Comment below to let us know.

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9 thoughts on “18 basic Yoga Poses For Beginners

  1. Vuyolwethu N. says:

    I enjoy doing Yoga even though I am not good at it but I’m slowly mastering it. It helps me a lot with my anxiety and exercise routine. A healthy mom is a happy mom.

  2. Chane W. says:

    This is one thing that I will enjoy doing. I always thought that yoga is for professionals but here I was wrong. I’m trying this later. Yoga here I come . Here is to a healthy body and mind

  3. Chantal H. says:

    Wow .. Yoga is so beneficial to our health I learn something new every day.
    I can’t guarantee that I’ll Do all the moves .. I’ll Start off with two moves and see how it goes from there.