There are plenty of common hygiene mistakes that women make on the regular just because we’re not aware of them. Keeping clean is not only important but you could also prevent bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, vaginal cysts, and other nasty complications that no person wants to go through.
Here are our top 8 feminine hygiene mistakes most women make:
1.You’re Wiping Too Hard
It’s been pretty widely written that you should wipe from front to back to prevent fecal matter getting into your vagina. But did you know that you could be wiping too hard? You should be wiping firmly but not pressing or rubbing too hard. Doing that can cause small cuts in your anal and vaginal area.
2. You Don’t Clean Up After Sex.
Cleaning yourself after sex can prevent infections, reduce the chances of getting yeast infections, and prevent vaginal cysts from forming—which are painful beasts to lance and drain. If you can’t hop in the shower after sex, then feminine hygiene wipes, a good staple to keep in your purse, are another great option.
3. You’re Panties Are Too Tight
Or your skinny jeans. Wearing tightly fitting underwear or pants can increase your risks of bacterial vaginosis, a common bacterial infection that causes discharge and a “fishy” smelling vagina. A warm, moist environment is bacteria’s haven. Consider sticking to cotton underwear at the gym and changing after to keep your lady parts dry.
4. You Don’t Change Your Tampon After Pooping
If the string picks up an fecal matter after, you could increase your risk of infection. It also sometimes gets dislodged or moves after, so you could be uncomfortable if you don’t change it.
5. You Store Tampons in Your Bathroom
It’s a convenient place, but tampons are meant to absorb moisture. The steam from your shower could make the tampon go bad faster because it’s absorbing water from your shower. The best place to store them is in a dry place, like your bedroom or a closet away from the shower.
6. You Stay In Your Swimsuit Too Long
Cute as it can be, a wet swimsuit is a breading ground for yeast, which can cause UTIs or vaginitis. The same applies for staying in your gym clothes for too long after working out. So unless you need to be, you might want to think twice about it next time.
7. You’re Over-Cleaning down there
Your vagina has natural cleaning mechanisms that prevent infections, prevent harmful pathogens, and protect itself. Over-cleaning your vulva can lead to itching or burning. Also, using perfumed soap or harsh chemicals can lead to irritation. If you’re going to wash down there, consider just using water or a non-scented soap.
8. You’re Shaving Down There During Your Period
When you’re menstruating, your skin is more sensitive. On top of that, newly shaved skin is more prone to irritation. It’s better to wait until your period is on a light flow before having a razor down there.
Mums, did you learn anything new here? Comment below and let us know how many of these mistakes you’re making x
Very Informative, never too old to learn something new.
I have learnt a lot from this lm one who makes this most mistakes. Thank you so much for this article
Very informative article, well thank you for sharing I learnt a lot of things from this post especially the tight jean and panty
Very insightful. Turns out I do most of these mistakes. I’m learning from this and will be avoiding all, if not most of them.
OK I’ve just moved the tamptond from the bathroom to the closet. We learn new things everyday.
very informative, i didn’t know about over cleaning thank you
Yes I’ve learnt i didn’t know about wearing a tight panties can increase risks bacterial vaginosis
Didn’t know about the over cleaning.So thank you for that
Wow that was a very insightful article. I’ve been storing my tampons in the bathroom this whole time🙊. Thank you #mumbox
I wipe too hard and clean too much
I think im type that wipe too hard
Thank you for sharing these tips