How to Start Your Day Right

It’s one thing starting the year right, but if we don’t start with today – we’ll never get there. And if we don’t start right at the start of a day, we’re doomed to most often not finish it well.

With that in mind, here are three science-backed secrets to starting every day on the right side of the bed…


Start every day with a toast to your health. Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up replenishes your fluids and boosts your metabolism for the rest of the day.

To add an extra dash of detox power to your mornings, a slice of fresh lemon, cucumber, or ginger added to your morning water will balance your pH and help flush out toxins quicker.

Make drinking water one of the very first things you do in the morning and it will soon become a new habit. Perhaps leave a glass beside your bathroom sink.


Whether or not you have a lot of time to spare in the mornings, or very little – doing at least a light bit of exercise will activate your muscles and increase your blood flow.

So before you stumble toward the shower, take a few minutes (before even getting out of bed) to wake up your body through gentle stretching.

Click here for a quick and easy morning stretch routine that will take less than 10 minutes and stretch every major muscle group.


It turns out we’re more like houseplants than we thought! Expose yourself to natural light, preferably outdoors, to synchronize your circadian rhythm, wake up your body, and enhance your mood.

This will also help you to sleep better later on too – and that’s more critical to your mornings than you could have imagined…

Prolonged poor sleep is associated with a suppressed immune system and increased risks of cardiac problems, strokes, and diabetes. Emotionally, a lack of sleep causes a release of higher volumes of cortisol (the stress hormone), which means you’re more inclined to feel anxious and depressed.

Of the many good things that sleep does for brain health, one that’s only recently been brought to light is its amazing detoxing benefits. In 2015, scientists discovered for the first time that our brains have a drainage system, the glymphatic system. It cleans out the toxic proteins that build up in our brains during the day. During sleep, this system is 60% more effective.

For more tips on how to get a good night’s sleep click here.

That’s it – the ultimate morning is as easy as 1,2,3:


What do you think moms? Have you tried any of these elements before?

Let us know in the comments below!

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8 thoughts on “How to Start Your Day Right

  1. Matsatsi M. says:

    good day
    water is essential. Exercise reduces the risk of disease, i can attest to this i have a colleague of mine who has never catch flu the past 365 days because of engaging on workouts every morning and sometimes evening after work. The muscles need to relax, exercise can be fun ,it can boost energy .

  2. Mushfeeqah K. says:

    I will try to drink water because that something I never do not even during the rest of the day . Exercise has never happened to me not even for 10 minutes 😒 but will try as hard as I can.

  3. Natasha S. says:

    Love the idea of toasting to your health this is absolutely very important as we cannot do anything without it. Stretching sounds like a solid plan I do my own sort of stretching. I will expose myself to natural light more its easier now that it is summer days and will try to include all 3 elements as I go along. TOAST, TWIST, AND TURN TO THE LIGHT! Love this easy as 1,2,3.

  4. Annah R. says:

    Thank you for sharing with us I am drinking water with lemons but not before I eat anything I tried drinking water before anything but I didn’t work I will try again