A funeral is expensive. Depending on whether you cremate or bury your loved one, it could cost anywhere between R3,000 and R50,000, or more. Dealing with death is very stressful, […]
Tag Archives: sylvia walker
Life is pretty expensive we could all do with a bit of extra cash. There are so many ideas out there, but if you’re tired of reading ideas like “write […]
Eliminating debt is one of the most popular new year’s resolutions, so make it a reality this year. But not all debt is equal – understand the difference between good […]
It’s the time of year when we look forward to kicking back, relaxing, and enjoying special times with our families. It’s a notoriously expensive time, and many people talk about […]
With the festive season around the corner, you may already have started shopping for gifts. There are so many toys and other trinkets we can give our kids; some last […]
Cancer isn’t pleasant to think about, but it is a reality for many women. October is breast cancer awareness month, and we’re reminded to go for regular check-ups. Early detection […]
We are all shaped by our upbringing, whether we like to admit it or not. Many of our beliefs and behavior’s are rooted in childhood and this is very true […]
Oh what a joy it would be to be rich – to have enough money to buy anything we want! But building wealth doesn’t happen overnight – it takes time, […]
(This article was written by Sylvia Walker, financial planner, speaker, and author of smartwoman. www.sylviawalker.co.za ) Life cover is generally a grudge purchase. Because you don’t get the benefit of […]
Keeping a good credit score Most of us need to incur debt at some point in our lives – it may be for a big purchase such as buying property […]