Eco Hacks: 8 simple hacks to get you saving the world

Let me be honest, I’m nowhere near being an eco-warrior. I’m nowhere near joining up with the Extinction Revolution. I’m not even on the backseat of Greta Thunberg’s bus, I’m more kind of hanging onto the bumper and being dragged along.

So if I can do the following things, you can too! Here are my 8 eco-hacks to make everyday family life just that little bit greener….

  1. Eco-bricks

Who has time or energy to sift through their rubbish and stuff all the dry, clean plastic bits into empty two-liter bottles? I’ll tell you who: kids! Each of my kids has their own bottle/eco-brick lined up in our kitchen, and they race to be the first to grab any empty bread bags, chip packets, straws, you name it – to stuff into their eco-brick.

Once they’re full, they get to take them to school and hand them in there. If your kids’ schools are not collecting though, you can drop them off at most big grocery stores too. Pro Eco Warrior Tip: Use a chopstick or long thin stick to stuff the plastic down and squeeze as much into each eco-brick as you can… the less air in there, the better.

  1. Straw-less

There are a host of reusable straws out there to choose from: metal, bamboo, glass, foldable, cleanable, hipster-enviable. Personally, I really couldn’t be bothered having another very small thing in our home for the kids to lose or break and for me to rage clean with a micro bottle brush.

Instead, we’ve taken to just using straws less. On the occasion that we do use straws, we try to opt for paper ones and if we can’t do that, then my kids are all too happy to save their evil plastic straws for their beloved eco-bricks (see above hack).

  1. Recycle bins

My birthday present to myself last year was some recycling bins. I know, I’m living the dream. But it really has been much easier to start recycling than I had feared. And it’s crazy how fast those bins fill up with all the plastic, tin, paper, and glass we otherwise would have just thrown away. We live pretty close to a recycling drop-off (there are ones at most supermarkets these days).

So when our garage gets too full of recycling bags and begins to resemble a room from a Hoarders episode, I throw it all in the car and virtuously truck it to the depot. I then look around to see if there’s anyone I know as I haul my recycling into the bins. Sadly, no one so far has spotted me and applauded my selfless acts on behalf of the environment. Hence, why I’m forced to write about it here. Now you know.

  1. Take your own cup to grab your cuppa and ditch the bottled water

If you’re prone to grabbing coffees to go, consider bringing your own coffee cup. Most outlets offer a discount if you do. And while you’re at it, stop buying plastic water bottles and rather fill up on reusable bottles. It’s a simple change that will save the environment and save you a little money too.

  1. Ditch the plastic preserves

From a recent Wonderful World Survey, 80% of us say that we pack lunches for ourselves or our family most days of the week. So, try this hack. Instead of wrapping food in cling-wrap or using zip lock bags, use brown paper bags or wax paper, or reusable plastic containers. If you’re wanting to move to the next level of eco-stardom, consider investing in some of these beauties.

Bee’s Wraps are an eco-friendly, non-toxic option to pack your ‘padkos’, cover your cold-goods, bundle your brunch, store your ‘sarmies’, or deliver your daily-bread.

  1. Buy less plastic crap

It’s as easy as that: make a point of stopping for a minute before you buy anything cheap and plastic and ask yourself, “Do we really need this? Is there a less plastic option?” Personally, this small change of habit has seen me buying food in less packaging, and instead of buying kids cheap plastic toys for birthdays, I’m opting for things that won’t break in 5 minutes and won’t hurt the environment too.

These things don’t necessarily cost more either – they just take a change of heart. Some quick ideas here: playing cards, color-in books, books, seeds (to plant in the garden), homemade play-dough, and experiences rather than things.

  1. Meat-free Mondays….and maybe Thursdays too

Eating less red meat is something we all should try to do – especially in a country with one of the highest cholesterol rates in the world. You don’t have to go full-vegan to make a difference, why not just make Mondays a meat-free day in your house? And if you’re already doing that, how about adding Thursdays too?

  1. Switch to bio-products

Look, we’re not talking about milking your own yak in the back garden. Let’s all just give a little more thought to the household products we use every day. And the next time you’re shopping look around to see if there are any that are more gentle on the environment. You might be surprised to find that these are not as expensive as you thought, and yet just as effective.

In another recent Wonderful World Survey, 80% of us are already up for changing our household products for ones that use less plastic – now it’s just about turning more of our good intentions into reality.

That’s it! 8 easy ways to begin saving the world and feeling rather smug about it too! Or maybe that’s just me?

Written by Julie Williams: Lifestyle Editor

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16 thoughts on “Eco Hacks: 8 simple hacks to get you saving the world

  1. Cynthia A. says:

    Interesting hacks, the honest truth is we go so do much plastics and it seems to be everywhere so kudos to retailer giants ditching plastic bags in favor of biodgradable materials. I even had that some sanitary pads are now biodegradable too

    • Kuthulakwenkosi M. says:

      Great food for thought indeed especially meat free days tried it and my kids hate the idea😊, but will give it a go again. Reduce reuse recycle always ladies for the sake of our environment and children’s future, i now avoid buying shopping plastic and use the reusable bags.