A few years back, I read Eckhart Tolle’s book, “The Power of Now”. If you haven’t read it, here’s a one-line summary: living in the present moment can be truly transformative.
Instead of dwelling on the past or anxiously anticipating the future, I began living a little more in the present. It hasn’t been easy, but by embracing whatever is happening right now, with gratitude and awareness, I’ve discovered I’m more effective and at peace (most of the time at least).
In my experience, we South Africans aren’t great at this… we tend to spend a lot of time living in the past, or fretting about the future, and all the while – we’re putting off what we should be doing in the present.
Perhaps this is why we’ve coined our own peculiar phrases: ‘now-now’ and ‘just now’ don’t mean much to the rest of the world, but over here in majestic Mzansi, it’s our cherished way of communicating a period that can stretch anywhere from a few seconds, to whole days away!
As beloved as this little colloquialism of ours is – it’s time we ditched it altogether.
Why? Because the truth is friends: there’s no real power in now-now. It doesn’t exist! There is only now.
So this month, let’s stop delaying our dreams and start making them a reality. Let’s stop putting our true potential on pause, and start unleashing our best selves. Let’s kick procrastination to the curb and rediscover the peace and productivity that is waiting for all of us who are present in the present.
Don’t know where to start? Don’t worry – I got you! Follow me via any of my social links below, and I’ll show you how it’s done.
Because on our own, we can get by… but together? We’re unstoppable!
Love (and power) always
im a woman , a mom with mumbox
Thanks for all the advises
Ki really needed to hear this. Thank you so much for sharing and reminding us that we can put our dreams to reality. Happy New Month Mum’s
Happy New Month 🤩
Above reading is so true. We truly tend to refer to the past and fret about the future. Lately I tried shifting my thoughts to my true potential and productivity. I started baking for an extra spending money / income. Its going slow, but at least I started. I am super proud of myself! Trying not to think about the past anymore (will give you headache) and the future (true nightmare). Just want to live in the present because that is really all we can do. Thank you for above article.
Love this….I don’t like it when someone tells me net nou or nou,nou.
“just now” now,now”because we put things off for awhile and now,now becomes later and later becomes never.
I’ve learn’t to tell my husband and daughter not now,now do it straightaway,cause later might not be there…
thank you it is like you say im going to start the new year with this and that and you never ever starter until you see the year is done if you want to do savings do it at the end of December when you get bonuses and holiday pay because you did not expect that money make good use of that
I love that bit of advice, Living in the NOW.
i lost my 19 year old son a few years back and alway find my mind going back to what could have been with him around.. I managed to accept that he will always by my Spirit Guardian and these days I live in the momentum. I listen to music, sip on my wine or whiskey on weekends, focus on work at the office on a day to day basis and just care about the moments and making good memories. Thank you Mum Box for all the important topics you bring to us.
Let’s unite…together we are stronger
Welcome to a brand new Month to you too. Thank you so much for encouraging words. XoXo