Important Vitamins For Women

We’ve all heard about the importance of getting in our vitamins and minerals since we were kids, but how many of us actually know which ones we need and what they do for our bodies? Of course, both men and women need adequate nutrition to live, but our bodies are built differently and therefore require different things.

We obtain our vitamins from the foods we eat, so we need to make sure that what we’re consuming is wholesome and will contribute to the wellbeing of our bodies. This is particularly important during pregnancy, as you’re nourishing for two. Doctors estimate that up to 30% of pregnant women are vitamin deficient, likely because we simply don’t know what foods we should be eating and what they contain. This can cause some serious pregnancy and birth complications, so it’s essential that we educate ourselves.

These are the 6 most important vitamins to include in your diet and where to get them from:

Vitamin A

This one is a superhero for your immune system. Not only does it help you to fight off illnesses (including cancer prevention), but it also promotes bone, eye, and skin health. This is also the vitamin that helps to repair tissue in your body.

Find it in: beef, eggs, fish, spinach, carrots

Vitamin B

This is great for the brain. It supports cognition and helps to reduce fatigue, as well as working with other vitamins to make your metabolism efficient. There are many types of Vitamin B. These include:
● B1 – helps your metabolism
○ lean meats, nuts, whole grains
● B2 – helps to fight free radicals (unstable atoms that can damage your cells)
○ milk, cheese, yogurt, broccoli
● B3 – helps you maintain a healthy nervous system and skin
○ meat, fish, mushrooms, avocado
● B5 – promotes immunity and hormone production
○ chicken, broccoli, mushrooms
● B6 and B7 – promotes brain health and reduces your risk of heart disease
○ B6 – meat, fish, poultry, avocado, nuts
○ B7 – eggs, soybeans, whole grains
● B9 (aka folate) – prevents birth defects when pregnant
○ broccoli, asparagus, legumes
● B12 – promotes healthy cell production
○ meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese

Vitamin C

Another essential for immunity, Vitamin C fortifies your immune system to help you fight colds and infections. It does this by working on your neurochemistry to support the production of neurotransmitters that communicate with your immune system, and it also acts as an antioxidant.

Find it in: citrus fruit, potatoes, broccoli, spinach

Vitamin D

We’re always told to drink our milk for strong bones and teeth, and that’s because of its Vitamin D content. It’s also well known that we get it from exposure to the sun, which is why Vitamin D deficiencies are so common during winter and for those who don’t get much sunlight. Vitamin D3 also helps to regulate brain function and mood.

Find it in: salmon, fortified dairy products

Vitamin E

This important antioxidant protects your cells and fights pesky free radicals. It does so much more though. It promotes muscle strength, balances your hormones and cholesterol levels, and can also improve your vision and prevent Alzheimer’s. As a bonus, it reduces PMS symptoms!

Find it in: leafy green vegetables, mango

Vitamin K

One thing we don’t necessarily consider often is our blood health. Vitamin K Inhibits excessive bleeding and prevents heart disease, which is one of the leading killers of women.

Find it in: broccoli, spinach, kale, cabbage

Vitamin deficiencies are common, but it’s important to recognise whether or not you have one so that you can remedy it to the best of your ability. They can be genetic or the result of dietary and lifestyle choices.

Take particular care to get adequate nutrition when you’re of reproductive age and during menopause – at these times our bodies are going through a lot, and they need as much support as they can get!

Final Word

Mums do you make sure to get as many of these vitamins into your daily eating plan?

Comment below to let us know

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77 thoughts on “Important Vitamins For Women

  1. Cleopatra N. says:

    this is very informative, but it got me thinking that as much as we try to eat all those vitamins maybe we won’t get enough for our bodies so maybe supplementing our vitamins through tablets can be a good idea

  2. Nomsa H. says:

    Thank you MumBox for this very important information. from now on I will take my vitamins, I have always hated taking any kind of tablets but now i know how important are vitamins.

    • Palesa M. says:

      Thank you Mumbox for such inspirering article, teaching us woman how to treat and take care of our different beautiful skin, indeed it’s very important to eat, drink and stay healthy at all times. #Mumbox

  3. Thandeka M. says:

    When I was pregnant with my son in 2019, I learnt the importance of vitamins so I make sure my family and I have certain vitamins every dinner time. Not mentioned here is Vitamin A – chicken livers. Which is a favourite!

  4. Sithandekile M. says:

    I don’t usually think about vitamins, i just eat ,but after this article, i can say i eat my vitamins every day in my meals, thank you for this information, great insight

  5. Insaaf M. says:

    Thank you for this article. Also with everything happing it important to look after our health and we’ll being. I will definitely be incorporating all of this in my daily life. Some of it I already I’m taking