Show Yourself Some Love

What a start to the year!

I don’t know about you, but I’m starting February grateful, and full of renewed fire – all thanks to so many of you who chose to join me in ‘Starting Strong’. Together, we took 21 small steps and days toward a better, brighter life.

Of course, it wasn’t all plain sailing – and I’m sure like me, many of you faced some false starts, stumbles and setbacks.

But, instead of stepping back from the challenge, we stepped up and came back even stronger.

With the month of love now officially upon us, here’s my next challenge to you:

Love Yourself (just a little bit more).

Instead of modelling martyrdom (death-of-self) to your nearest and dearest, why not flip the script and choose to bring more life and love – not just to those around, but most especially, to your lovely self?

Far from being selfish, loving ourselves well is the first step to loving others well.

After all – no one can pour from an empty cup. No matter how good our intentions.



I love my family and relish the times we spend together. Even (especially) the ‘everyday’ times. My basil pot plant has been prolific this season, so we’ve started making our own pesto! This has become our go-to family meal – easy pesto pasta.


I’m a bit of a personal growth and wellness nut. I am constantly on the lookout to learn more about the world, how we’re wired, and how best to take care of our health. While there’s always a shelf full of different vitamins and supplements in our home, the one we all take every day (without fail) is our probiotics.


Did you know that your skin is your largest organ? To take good care of my skin, I love a good massage. So this month, I’m going to make sure I book one in – it’ll be my Valentine’s gift to myself!


Exploring new places, meeting new people and finding out about different cultures is a real cup-filler for me. And here’s my favourite travel tip: bring a spray diffuser with your favourite scent along with you – that way, your hotel room and pillow will always smell like home. Favourite places to explore: Locally, my hometown, East London. Internationally, my husband’s homeland is the UK (especially London).


Music makes everything better – it adds a soundtrack to our lives. Currently, my kids have me hooked on Bruno Mars (‘Count On Me’ is on repeat)! I love local music as well – give me a local gospel song any day.


Connecting with friends over a meal is one of my favourite things. And when in Cape Town, the Vineyard Hotel is one of my favourite places to do this.

So, starting this Feb, let’s get loving and looking after the only life we’ve each been most entrusted with, our own. In celebration of loving ourselves, here are a few of my favourite things… may they inspire you to reflect on what fills your cup and floats your boat!

I’d love to hear from you in the comments section with some of your favourite things that fill your cup.


I recently surprised one of our Mumbox members who is actively engaged with reviews and comments on the Mumbox website as well as social media. Tap below to see how I surprised Lucelle and make sure you are taking part in this beautiful community and I could be knocking on your door next…..

Watch Here

Love (and power) always



Tap below to read some of our latest articles in mumbox magazine and let us know which ones you enjoyed so we know what to create next for you

How to start your day right How to make the most of your time The easy way to cook rice in your microwave How to encourage your child's love for reading and why

That’s it from us – have a beautiful, ‘self-love’ month ahead moms x

P.S. You can follow me on any of the socials listed below. I promise to only share real, honest insights that help you to buy (and live) better!

Love (and power) always


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55 thoughts on “Show Yourself Some Love

  1. Shanaaz S. says:

    I love putting a smile on ppls faces& thoroughly a ppls person& love my family & frnds lots like jellytots& the best is sharing a meal wth loved ones wth lots of laughter& always have sumthng left for a stranger that is not so fortunate 🤲💚👌